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  • Writer's pictureShurGreen

ShurGreen Contributes to Danone's North America Goal to Achieve Zero Waste to Landfill By 2025

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

"When our plant achieved Zero Waste to Landfill in 2020, the full force of our facility and local

community came together to support a culture of waste reduction and redistribution," said Elizabeth Masteller, Environment Health & Safety Manager at Danone North America's Minster, Ohio plant, which produces popular yogurt brands including Activia®, Danimals®, and Oikos®. "In 2021 alone, we sent more than 2,500 tons of waste to ShurGreen to be transformed into renewable energy, crop nutrition, and animal feed, while repurposing product packaging. This is an eye-opening amount of waste diverted from landfills, and a further step in our company's One Planet. One Health frame of action."

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